Description: I composited the 2D smoke rising from the pots in the lower third of the screen to match the smoke from the plate.
Description: Since there was a light pole in front of the pillars near the right side of the screen, I had to do a 2.5D comp of the pillar and parts of the building. Add smoke overtop to match plate smoke.
Description: Painted out and tracked a deep seam visible on the actor’s right eye.
Description: Removed prosthetic nose and painted/tracked blood and flesh to make it look real. (Bloodly nose hole)
Description: Using 2D smoke elements, I composited and tracked the incense smoke.
Description: Client wanted ice hits to pop as the character runs, so the CG Supervisor created 3D ice hits for me to composite into the shot. I used some grades to mix the colors and 3D tracked the ice hits to stick on the ice.
Description: Added 2D blood and painted out light rig reflection on the water.
Description: Added 2D blood squirting out of the actor’s hand as the other man releases the knive.